About Us

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About Us


Welcome to Newport Kerala Community (NKC), a non-profit, non-political, and non-religious community organization of people from Kerala, India, based in Newport. Our main aim is to preserve and maintain our culture and traditions while helping our community integrate with the wider Welsh community, all while maintaining our values and identity.

NKC provides a platform for Malayalis residing in and around Newport to meet, expand their friendship, and exchange views and artistic and cultural heritage. Our community offers various opportunities and encourages members to participate and take leadership in all activities, enhancing their skills and talents.

We are proud to showcase the best of our heritage through the means of our food, music, dance, and games. NKC has gained strength and momentum year on year and yearns to make Newport a home away from home. We aim to educate others and celebrate the skills and talent everyone has to offer.

Malayalam is a language, a culture, and its own civilization. It is the culmination of thousands of years of a people who work hard and appreciate being who they are. We at Newport are proud to represent such a heritage.

Our yearly elected strong committee provides lifetime memories through unique events, setting us apart from any other community group in the UK. We have a collective vision to have entertaining events that bring together our community and promote our culture and traditions.


Join us as we pass on our traditions to the next generation, celebrate our cultural heritage, and make new memories with our community. Thank you for your interest in NKC, and we look forward to welcoming you.